Structured Notes, Summaries and Meeting Minutes. For iPhone and iPad.

The app is fantastic as it is simple to use. I have generated hundreds of meeting minutes with this app and will continue to use it as it is so easy to record and issue professional notes of meetings.
This is a really great app. Well conceived and very useful. Thank you!
Great app to record minutes from meetings and keeping them organized and structured.

Action Items
Just essentials
MinuteTaker is based on the Action Item Format. Every decision, every statement or recommendation is described as a short and concise point. This keeps your protocols short and precise.
PDF Export
Share your results
Share your minutes as clean and professional looking PDF files to all attendees and recipients. Customizable to your needs.
Sample PDF
Log it like a PRO
Improve Productivity
MinuteTaker offers everything you need to create professional meeting minutes and acceptance protocols.

MinuteTaker is absolutely amazing! The UI is amazing, and accurate, and I must say that their move to support the iPad Pro was right on time. I would strongly recommend this app to anyone who is a business professional or student. I’ve used it under both context and it has helped me in more ways than I can spell out in this review. Also, I think that it is important to note that the company is fast to respond to any questions, and more importantly, they have continued their updates since 2012!
이 어플로 정착합니다. 업무, 모임등의 간단히 정리하고 메모용도로 그만이네요~
Nutze die App fast jeden Tag. Bin absolut zufrieden. Protokollieren war nie so einfach.